


Any further questions contact the SOS Lead Team – sosmichiana@gmail.com

SOS 2023

Summer of Service (SOS Student Weekend), is a life-changing experience that takes place right in Michiana. This year we will host SOS Student Weekend on June 15th-17th, 2023! Students from incoming 6th-graders through graduating seniors get to participate in a local missions trip and celebration of what God can do when His heart becomes our own.

The vision of the SOS Student Weekend movement is two-fold:  to impact the community of Michiana with the life-changing love of God, and to develop a heightened student-community among participants.  Our desire is that students will encounter God in a very new way through service and kindness outreach. It’s a fact that youth grow in their faith journey when they put their faith to work for others. What are the ingredients of the powerful retreat? Intimate worship, amazing teaching, creative service opportunities, prayer, group discussion, devotions, and a healthy dose of play!

Leaders, consider this as an opportunity to invest in the life of your student and the lives of thousands of people around them. Parents, consider using this as a tool in the spiritual development of your child(ren).  And guests, get ready to see the Holy Spirit move powerfully through students this June.

Got questions? 

Pastors & Youth Leader can get registration items for their groups here.

What you should wear and bring to SOS Student Weekend here. 

Find out where work groups are serving throughout our community. Available ONLY during SOS weekend.